Aug 19, 2011

EDM 33 Draw an eye

Finally bought a scratching post for our cat yesterday. I've had cats before and I've made&bought scratching posts before, but never had a cat that wanted to use it.... So I thought it would be a waste of money, but I had to try something to keep Bob from using my chair for other things than just sleeping on it;)
He has been officially living with us for 5 months now (and visiting very often before that), but I've never seen him scratching his nails inside the house till a couple of weeks ago. Don't know why he started but he had to stop doing it!
So there's a brand new one in our living room and surprise, surprise: he is using it!!!! Not just once but everytime he sees it;)

( very stupid question: a cat can only use the scratching post for his frontpaws. How do they sharpen their other nails?????  I've tried to ask Bob, but he didn't want to tell. Maybe he was angry with me for not using him as a model for this challenge...)


  1. That's true, my sister's cat only ever seems to do the front ones too...weird! Great sketch though!

  2. I love the composition on this page.

  3. Sweet sketch and I agree with A.Marie, it's a great composition.

  4. What a great sketch!

  5. Lovely sketch. I always think they are flexing their claws/toes more than sharpening them...I will have to ask one of my kitties!

  6. Lovely page! I think cat face is very successful.

  7. Hee, deze heb ik op de een of andere manier gemist. Mooi hoor. Volgens mij is dat hele scherpen van de nagels maar een mythe hoor, het is vooral dat ze iets hebben om ze lekker in te zetten (liever de paal dan de bank). De mijne hebben nooit een krabpaal gebruikt, maar de nageltjes deden het als een tierelier en werden ook niet te lang of zo. (oooh, ik wil weer een kat, kun je Bob niet meenemen?)
