Jul 10, 2011


Suddenly had the urge to visit my favorite island, booked a little apartment and went to Vlieland! (leaving man and cat behind, with lots of food, so don't feel sorry for them;))

Less than a year ago, the apartment had been sold to new owners so the furniture was new and had a nice beachy theme. I tried to draw some of it (two little statues of funny ladies were standing on the table)

Did only three drawings during my whole visit, took only a couple of photographs (less than a hundred, that's a new record!), did lots of reading, lots of walking on the beach and watching the ocean...

I did some social stuff too, visited my friends:
-F&N (met their newest cat: Mauwritz & got lots of doggie kisses from my two favorite islandpets)
-Caatje (who showed me all the artwork she made since my last trip to the island: very beautifull journals, collages, paintings. She's been very busy and I was kind of jealous;))
-and met with a colleague who was visiting the island too, with her boyfriend and their kids. (and was able to see some parts of the island normally not open for public thanks to them;))

As you can imagine, with such a busy schedule I didn't have much time for cooking and  lived on a very 'healthy' diet of french fries and pizza. Didn't want to eat that again in the next couple of weeks and guess what my lovely husband wanted to eat yesterday: french fries ARGHHHHH


  1. Hey, don't blame your friends for your bad eating habits! ;-)

    I'd seen these, except for the kite surfer, which is really nice! It was good to see you!

  2. Neat sketches, and I like the sketchbook cover!

  3. Thank you!!

    @Caatje: okay okay I was just lazy;))
