Jun 13, 2011

EDM challenge 27

Draw a book

Yesterday we had some guests and cause it was getting late, the youngest slept a couple of hours in our bed. Last dec. my mother gave me some boxes with books she still had from when I was young (ages ago) so I knew I had a fairy tale book somewhere. The words and the tales were too hard for a 3 year old (I problaby read them  myself when I was a lot older) and we made up our own stories with the pictures we saw in the book. Unnecessary to say he didn't sleep a lot;)


  1. Sounds like you had a great time! Own stories are more fun anyway! Lovely drawing!

  2. Mooi. Waar ken ik dat schetsboek toch van? ;-) Bevalt het goed trouwens?

  3. What a charming drawing!

  4. Insanely cute pages =) Love these funky characters bundled together like that

  5. Thank you all for the great compliments!!

    @Caatje: het schetsboek heeft echt geweldig papier, maar ik heb t een beetje te vol gestouwd/geplakt inmiddels..het blijft nu niet meer zo lekker 'open' liggen ;)

  6. Lovely drawing - and story which must have brought back great memories.

  7. I love the whimsy of your drawing and how it matches the mood of the book.
